Nutrition Response Testing Benefits
Non invasive:
This technique is completely non-invasive. There are no needles, bloodwork, or any uncomfortable procedures. Testing is done with a gentle touch and light pressure on your arm and acupressure points on the surface of your body.
Addresses the underlying cause:
Find the cause of your health issues and handle it directly with proven, natural methods of nutritional healing and lifestyle modifications.
Natural and Completely Safe:
Nutrition response testing is the safest technique for natural healing and has no side effects. There are no surgeries, drugs or medication. Everything we offer uses wholesome nutritious foods and herbs that are from nature and that the body uses for proper healing.
Accurate and effective:
Our testing reads your body’s natural reflexes and is incredibly accurate. Your body tells us what is stressing it and what specific nutrients it needs.
How Nutrition Response Testing works:
Nutrition Response Testing is performed by the doctor muscle testing your extended arm with one hand and contacting each body reflex area with the other hand. If a reflex for a certain organ or area is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to your extended arm being tested which will weaken and cause your arm to drop. A drop in the arm represents a weakness that is critical to correct for optimum health and function.
When we find a weak reflex that lacks adequate energy, we have protocols to check that area for common stressors which tend to be in these categories:
food sensitivities
immune challenges
metal toxicities
chemical toxicities
past injuries/scars
Once we find which reflexes are weak and what underlying stressors are causing the weaknesses, we can address them with personalized dietary changes and the highest possible quality nutritional supplements.
After your Consultation
After your initial consultation and analysis, we can determine if you are a Nutrition Response Testing case and whether a nutritional treatment plan will support your health goals. If we do determine that you are a Nutrition Response Testing case, we will give you a specific program to follow in a recommended time frame in order to achieve best results.
Once on your personalized nutrition program, we monitor your body at each visit to see exactly what your body needs in the present time and how well we are meeting those needs with diet choices and whole food supplement formulas. We will help you continue your health improvement progress and adjust your program as needed throughout your treatment plan.
Nutrition Response Testing Informational Videos
Learn more about the benefits of Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response Testing Demonstration and How it Works
Nutrition Response Testing Body Scan Chart